Oxide structures for photovoltaics

Members of the ON2.4 team have developed several important innovations targeted at the photovoltaic industry. One key area of research is the optimisation of ZnO films doped with aluminium as a transparent and conductive electrode, which can be used in different generations of photovoltaic cells (silicon, organic, perovskite). The team members also have developed a three-dimensional transparent electrode, which consists of ZnO nanorods (produced by a hydrothermal method) coated with ZnO:Mg and ZnO:Al films, which has a very rough surface, so that the amount of reflected light is even lower than in structured silicon cells. Based on this electrode, a simplified silicon cell has also been proposed, whose fabrication technology avoids high-temperature, costly and hazardous processes in production. These solutions are the subject of a whole series of publications and patents and have received numerous awards at innovation fairs.